Friday, April 18, 2014

Very best painting tip!!

I have a painting tip for you that I think is AMAZING!!!  It's also an original!  I may not be the only person doing it, but I discovered it on my own!

You know how quickly paint starts to dry in a brush, tray or any other place you would like it to not dry in.

Here's the're painting a room and you've just finished cutting-in (that's painter's lingo for doing all the edge work).  Now you need to put the brush, and whatever small container you're using to hold your paint for cutting in, down for the entire length of time it takes to roll the walls.  How do you keep the brush from drying out and the small container from skimming over???

Just press all around the roller and it's airtight!!!  It will stay wet a very long time!!!

Glad makes a product called Press 'N Seal that has a sticky side.  It will stick to almost anything, especially itself!  Just tear off enough to entirely cover your brush or roller or whatever and seal away!

You can come back a week later and use the same brush, roller or container of paint! 

You're welcome!

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