Friday, April 25, 2014

Men are stupid!

I don't have pictures of my forehead and I may not have actually gotten bruised, but the lights in the master bathroom are dangerous!!! 

The placement of the lights is just bad.  They are too far away from the mirror on the side walls, so that when you lean forward to apply makeup, they are behind you.  Some stupid man made that call.  I bet his mascara is always a mess!!

Okay, not only are the lights in a bad location, the ones in this place protruded from the wall about 7 inches.  Who does that?  Every time I washed my face or put my contacts in, I hit my head on them!!! 

Have I mentioned that were just my style?  No?  Here's why.....
Oh my!

Um, yea.  Not for me.  Also take a look at this paint.  It wouldn't be bad, if it wasn't almost exactly the same color as the marble and cabinets in the room.  I can't wait to paint over it!  The next picture shows the light from the side, showing the danger I face.....get it?  Every time I wash my face! You can also see the marble color over the tub.  I love the marble, but it just dissapears with this paint color and treatment.  See my blue tape?  I'm ready!!!

Only a man would place lights here and I'm going to assume it was a man that picked this one out

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