Monday, June 30, 2014

Once you go black!

No make-up, Sunday morning.
Several years ago I fell in love with black doors!  I think I was looking at a magazine and I'm sure it was before Pinterest days.  I didn't act on it at the time, but knew some day....some place...I would have me some black doors.

A few months ago I had a conversation about this with a nurse at my doctor's office.  We were discussing decor because she and I both are closet designers.  She said her "real" designer sister paints doors black in many of her designs and uses a Sherwin Williams color called Iron Ore.  She said to not even shop around, this would be the perfect shade.

I'm not usually one to accept things like that without some research, but by the time I was ready to buy the paint, I had also decided I would trust the advice. 

I'm soooooo happy I did!  I LOVE the color!  It's not grey, it's not brown, it's not black, it's perfect!!!  Look at this foyer!  All the trim is done and the walls are painted and the door is "black".  I'm shopping for some things like furniture and mirrors, but for now, I'm very pleased!

The walls in the living room and dining room are Pensive Sky by Behr.  Sometimes it looks grey and sometimes a true baby blue.  The crown and baseboards are a true white.

Off to paint the rest of the doors, because.....once you go black.....!!!

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