Monday, June 30, 2014

Can I brag a minute?

You see before you my inspiration. 

French (or any European country) apartments filled with trim work that's probably been there for centuries.  It doesn't matter if the decor is old-world, modern, eclectic or truly country french.  It's those moulding filled walls that are the starting point for character. 

I decided to do this to our new place and knew I couldn't afford to hire it done, so I set out to do it myself. 

This was a "learn-as-you-go" adventure and I must say I'm truly proud of the results!!!  There's still lots more to do, but A LOT has been done!! 

I have no idea why these pictures are out of order.  I wish I know how to operate this darn blog! lol

"Dead-end" during.
Dining walls after.
"Dead-end" after.

Dining room during.


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