Monday, March 31, 2014

The Setting

The main entrance.

Let me set the stage before the actual "play" begins.  Here is the front of our condo building!  Isn't it beautiful??  I love the European charm of it. 

We actually moved in 2 years ago, when we sold our last place.  We weren't sure what we were going to do next, so we decided to rent for a while.  The Mayfair had a small unit on the 7th floor available, so we jumped on it.  We had looked at units in the Mayfair complex before, while shopping for a condo to buy, but didn't find anything that was perfect.  We also didn't think our rental time here would be very long.

After a year here, we realized we probably aren't leaving Atlanta any time soon and we also realized how much we like living in the complex.  The search for a place to purchase...a much larger place.....began.

The side courtyard.  See the bldg in the background?  We used to live there!

A full year later, we found a 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath unit on the 26th floor.  After all the negotiations that go in to buying a home took place, we were under contract and we close on it TOMORROW!!!!!!!  Tomorrow.....finally! 

Tomorrow, I get to start making the transformation of this new home for us and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

-I'm off to Home Depot. 

Just one before picture's the dining room with paint that looks like paper (and lots of texture I get to sand off) and a light I look forward to replacing.  It's hard to tell, but the floors are great!!

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